اذهبي الى المحتوى

[تمت الإجابة] مشكلة في حذف الريال بليير

المشاركات التي تم ترشيحها

السلام عليكــم ورحمـة الله وبركاتـه ،،


حاولت أن أحذف الريال بلاير من add or remove prog..

ولكن تظهر لي هذه الرسالة




حاولت أن أحذف الريال بلاير من add or remove prog..

ولكن تظهر لي هذه الرسالة

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته


هنا طريقتان .. إن لم تنفع الأولى .. جربي الثانية ... وأنصح بعدها بتشغيل أى برنامج لتنظيف الريسجتري مثل Registry mechanic

Uninstalling RealPlayer

Follow these steps to run the RealPlayer uninstall program:


1. Close RealPlayer.

2. Click the Windows Start button, click (All) Programs and navigate to Real > RealPlayer > Uninstall RealPlayer.

3. The "Uninstallation of RealPlayer" dialog appears, showing the realplayer components that are available for uninstall.

Uninstallation of RealPlayer

4. Select the RealPlayer components you wish to uninstall and click OK.



Note: Before you delete My Library, please be aware that deleting it will not delete your music files, but you will have to recreate all your playlists. You can backup or export them if you like.



Delete the RealPlayer folders

The folders for RealPlayer are located at:


c:\program files\real\RealPlayer

c:\program files\common files\real\


To delete the Realplayer folders:


1. Go to My Computer.

2. Go to C:\ or Local Disk (C:\).

3. Go to the Program Files folder.

4. Go to the Real folder.

5. Delete the RealPlayer folders: c:\program files\real\RealPlayer

6. Go back to the Program Files folder.

7. Go to the Common Files folder.

8. Delete the Real folder: c:\program files\common files\real\




Remove the RealPlayer Icons

Sometimes some RealPlayer Icons are not removed automatically.


Remove Desktop Icons


1. Right-click the icon and choose "Delete"



Remove Icon in Program Folder


1. Click the Windows Start button, click (All) Programs and navigate to Real > RealPlayer.

2. Right-click and choose "Delete"


شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

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إنشاء حساب جديد

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