اذهبي الى المحتوى
(أم *سارة*)

**الامتحان في دروس اللغة الإنجليزية**

المشاركات التي تم ترشيحها

General Test



Translate into Arabic



The parents have to bring up their children on Islamic teachings



Our leader is Mohammad peace be upon him in spite of our



We are all proud of being muslims






Translate into English



الناس سواسية أمام القضاء



الإسلام كرم المرأة وأعطاها كامل حقوقها



على القاضي أن يحكم بالعدل لأنه رمز العدالة على الأرض




Choose the right one


We have already (write -written - wrote )down our names



Look , the birds (are flying -flew-fly )high in the sky



(These flowers are of ( yellow -black gray



Yesterday, I (ride -rode -ridden )my car and (go -went

gone)to school


(While I was studying ,the mobile (rang -rung-ring



Mona often (help-helps-helping )the needy people




Confusing words



(The lion eats (meet_meat _mat



(There are seven days in the (wake -week-weak



(Our tongue is in our (mouse -mouth -moth



The (bear -pear-peer) has a fur



(We make (beard _bread -bird )of (flower-flour -floor



?Are you satisfied


Then prove ,Are you satisfied with your simple home or you want to have a luxury palace


Are you satisfied with your standard of living or you are looking forward to being the richest one in the world

A lot of people aren't satisfied with any thing ,so they envy the others who are better

They even hate to see them out of grudge

Please wait and think deeply

May be the people that you envy deprived of precious thing you have



?Why aren't a lot of people satisfied

?Why do the envious people hate to see the better

? Are you satisfied

?How do you prove that you are satisfied

?Do you think all the rich people are happy



With my best wishes

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

هذا هو النموذج الصحيح للإجابة يا حبيبات ومع كل سؤال درجته النهائية والمجموع 45

وكل واحدة تشوف إجاباتها ودرجاتها وتقارن بين إجابتها وبين النموذج لتعرف أين الخطأ




General Test

45 marks


Translate into Arabic



The parents have to bring up their children on Islamic teachings


على الوالدين تنشئة أبناءهم على تعاليم الإسلام



Our leader is Mohammad peace be upon him in spite of our



قائدنا هو محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم رغما عن أنوف أعداءنا


We are all proud of being muslims


نحن جميعا فخورون بكوننا مسلمين


(9) marks






Translate into English



الناس سواسية أمام القضاء

people are equal before judiciary


people are equal before courts



الإسلام كرم المرأة وأعطاها كامل حقوقها


Islam honored woman and gave her all her rights



على القاضي أن يحكم بالعدل لأنه رمز العدالة على الأرض


The judge has to pass fair verdicts as he is the symbol of justice

on earth


(9) marks




Choose the right one


We have already (write -written - wrote )down our






Look , the birds (are flying -flew-fly )high in the sky

are flying



(These flowers are of ( yellow -black gray




Yesterday, I (ride -rode -ridden )my car and (go -went


gone)to school





(While I was studying ,the mobile (rang -rung-ring





Mona often (help-helps-helping )the needy people



(marks( 6




Confusing words



(The lion eats (meet_meat _mat




(There are seven days in the (wake -week-weak





(Our tongue is in our (mouse -mouth -moth




The (bear -pear-peer) has a fur





(We make (beard _bread -bird )of (flower-flour -floor






(6) marks




?Are you satisfied


Then prove ,Are you satisfied with your simple home or you want to have a luxury palace


Are you satisfied with your standard of living or you are looking forward to being the richest one in the world


A lot of people aren't satisfied with any thing ,so they envy the others who are better


They even hate to see them out of grudge


Please wait and think deeply


May be the people that you envy deprived of precious thing you have




?Why aren't a lot of people satisfied


because they are looking forward to having higher standard of living

?Why do the envious people hate to see the better


they hate to see the better out of grudge


? Are you satisfied

yes,I'm satisfied


All thanks to Allah

?How do you prove that you are satisfied


I pleased with my destiny


?Do you think all the rich people are happy

Of course not


(15) marks

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

إجابات ماريا



28/ 45



Translate into Arabic


The parents have to bring up their children on Islamic teachings



Our leader is Mohammad peace be upon him in spite of our



We are all proud of being muslims


يجب علي الاباء تنشئه الاطفال علي تعاليم الدين الاسلامي

وقائدنا هو محمد صل الله عليه وسلم وعلي الرغم من وجود اعداء

نحن جميعا فخورين بكوننا مسلمين


6/ 9




Translate into English


الناس سواسية أمام القضاء



الإسلام كرم المرأة وأعطاها كامل حقوقها



على القاضي أن يحكم بالعدل لأنه رمز العدالة على الأرض


People are equal before the courts


Islam honored women and given full rights


The judge ruled justly because it is a symbol of justice on the



5/ 9 marks




Choose the right one


We have already (




-written - wrote )down our names



Look , the birds (are flying -flew-




)high in the sky



(These flowers are of (




-black gray



Yesterday, I (ride -




-ridden )my car and (go -




gone)to school


(While I was studying ,the mobile (






Mona often (help-




- helping )the needy people


4/ 6 marks



Confusing words


(The lion eats (meet_







(There are seven days in the (wake -







(Our tongue is in our (mouse -







The (




-pear-peer) has a fur



(We make (beard _




-bird )of (flower-






6/6 marks





?Are you satisfied


Then prove ,Are you satisfied with your simple home or you want to have a luxury palace


Are you satisfied with your standard of living or you are looking forward to being the richest one in the world


A lot of people aren't satisfied with any thing ,so they envy the others who are better


They even hate to see them out of grudge


Please wait and think deeply


May be the people that you envy deprived of precious thing you have




?Why aren't a lot of people satisfied

Because of weak faith

?Why do the envious people hate to see the better


? Are you satisfied

Yes I am satisfied

?How do you prove that you are satisfied

I by not Hakda others in addition to lack of consideration of what they have

?Do you think all the rich people are happy


Of course not


7/ 15 marks

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

إجابة سماء الفردوس



30/ 45



Translate into Arabic




The parents have to bring up their children on Islamic teachings


على الاباء تنشئة ابنائهم على تعاليم الاسلام

Our leader is Mohammad peace be upon him in spite of our


رسولنا محمد هو قائدنا ولو كره الاعداء

We are all proud of being muslims



نحن نفخر باننا مسلمين


7/ 9 marks




Translate into English



الناس سواسية أمام القضاء

the People are equal front the courts


الإسلام كرم المرأة وأعطاها كامل حقوقها

Islam honored women and given full rights


على القاضي أن يحكم بالعدل لأنه رمز العدالة على الأرض


Judge to rule just because it is a symbol of justice


on the ground


4/ 9 marks



Choose the right one


We have already ( -written - )down our names



Look , the birds (are flying - )high in the sky



(These flowers are of ( yellow -)



Yesterday, I ( -rode - )my car and (-went

)to school


(While I was studying ,the mobile (rang -



Mona often (-helps- )the needy people

6/ 6 marks


Confusing words



(The lion eats (_meat)



(There are seven days in the ( -week)



(Our tongue is in our (-mouth )



The (bear ) has a fur



(We make (_bread -)of (flour )


6/6 marks



?Are you satisfied


Then prove ,Are you satisfied with your simple home or you want to have a luxury palace

Yes I am satisfied with my Home


Are you satisfied with your standard of living or you are looking forward to being the richest one in the world


Yes I am satisfied with the level of my living


A lot of people aren't satisfied with any thing ,so they envy the others who are better


No, I'm not satisfied


They even hate to see them out of grudge

No, I'm not satisfied



Please wait and think deeply


Yes I am satisfied


May be the people that you envy deprived of precious thing you have

Yes I am satisfied



?Why aren't a lot of people satisfied

For differing views


?Why do the envious people hate to see the better

The lack of chances of widespread tribulation



? Are you satisfied

?How do you prove that you are satisfied


Please around me in every way



?Do you think all the rich people are happy

No I do not think


7/ 15 marks

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

إجابة أم العبادلة



39/ 45 marks


يجب على الوالدين تنشئة أبنائهم على التعاليم الإسلامية

قائدنا هو محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم رغم أنف أعدائنا

نحن فخورين أننا مسلمين


9/9 marks



... صراحة لا اتذكر الكلمات (سواسية - كرم - يحكم ) وبالتالي صعب علي الترجمة ومكسلة ابحث على النت ...

وها هي محاولة لمعنى شبيه

poeple are equal in front of Justic

Islam have raised women and gave her all her rights

The Judge have to rule with Just because he's the simple of Justice on earth

7/ 9 marks



We have already (written) down our names

Look , the birds (flew) high in the sky

These flowers are of ( yellow)

Yesterday, I (rode)my car and (went) to school

While I was studying ,the mobile (rang)

Mona often (helps) the needy people

5/ 6 marks



The lion eats (meat)

There are seven days in the (week)

Our tongue is in our (mouth)

The (bear) has a fur

We make (bread) of (flour)

6/ 6 marks



Why aren't a lot of people satisfied?

They aren't satisfied because they are looking for what they don't have, ex: luxury palace, they just want to be the richest one in the world.


Why do the envious people hate to see the better?

because whenever they see them, they remember their lives that they are not satisfied with


Are you satisfied?

Elhamdolelah yes


How do you prove that you are satisfied?

I'm a muslim and i'm happy with whatever Allah blesses me with


Do you think all the rich people are happy

no, they are not happy and they won't be happy till they get closer to Allah and spend their money for the sake of Allah.


12/ 15 marks

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

إجابة قطرة الندى


36/ 45 marks



Translate into Arabic



The parents have to bring up their children on Islamic teachings


يجب على الأباء تنشئة أطفالهم على التعاليم الإسلامية.


Our leader is Mohammad peace be upon him in spite of our



قدوتنا محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم رغما عن أعداءنا


We are all proud of being muslims


كلنا فخورون لكوننا مسلمون

9/ 9 marks





Translate into English



الناس سواسية أمام القضاء


people are equal in front of justice.


الإسلام كرم المرأة وأعطاها كامل حقوقها


islam honored woman and gave her all her rights


على القاضي أن يحكم بالعدل لأنه رمز العدالة على الأرض


the judge must judge with justice because he is the sign of justice.

4/ 9 marks




Choose the right one


We have already written down our names



Look , the birds are flying high in the sky


These flowers are of yellow



Yesterday, I rode my car and went

to school


While I was studying ,the mobile ring



Mona often helps the needy people

5/ 6 marks



Confusing words



The lion eats meat



There are seven days in the week



Our tongue is in our mouth



The bear has a fur



We make bread of flour

6/ 6 marks



?Are you satisfied


Then prove ,Are you satisfied with your simple home or you want to have a luxury palace


Are you satisfied with your standard of living or you are looking forward to being the richest one in the world


A lot of people aren't satisfied with any thing ,so they envy the others who are better


They even hate to see them out of grudge


Please wait and think deeply


May be the people that you envy deprived of precious thing you have




?Why aren't a lot of people satisfied


a lot of people are not satisfied because they always want more and more, they want to be rich and have a luxury life.


?Why do the envious people hate to see the better


the envious people hate to see the better because they are not satisfied with what they have. they always want what the others have.


?Are you satisfied


yes im satisfied.


?How do you prove that you are satisfied


because im always saying thanks Allah for everything i have. i have a lot of things that many people deprived.


im in good health , but there is a lot of sick people in hospitals


some people live in street but im living in a big house where i have everything i need.


i studied , graduated but some girls had never went to school.


and the most thing im satisfied with is being Muslim.


Thanks ALLAH for everything you gave me.


?Do you think all the rich people are happy


i don't think so. because money does not make he hapiness.


some rich people live in a luxury life but they have an empty life,


they dont feel the warm of the family because they children don't live with them


or studying in others countries or they are busy all the time with their friends ..


all what they are looking for is money but in the end they find themselves alone without company.


12/ 15 marks

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

إجابة سدرة المنتهى


40/ 45 marks



General Test


Translate into Arabic:


The parents have to bring up their children on Islamic teachings

يجب على الآباء تنشئة أطفالهم على التعاليم الإسلامية.


Our leader is Mohammad peace be upon him in spite of our


قائدنا هو محمد عليه السلام رغم أنف أعدائنا.


We are all proud of being muslims

نفخرُ جميعًا بكوننا مسلمين.


9/ 9 marks




Translate into English:


الناس سواسية أمام القضاء

People are equal before judiciary.


الإسلام كرم المرأة وأعطاها كامل حقوقها

Islam has honored the woman and has given her all her rights.


على القاضي أن يحكم بالعدل لأنه رمز العدالة على الأرض

The judge has to be just as he is the symbol of justice on earth.


7/ 9 marks




Choose the right one


We have already (write -written - wrote )down our names


Look , the birds (are flying -flew-fly )high in the sky


(These flowers are of ( yellow -black gray


Yesterday, I (ride -rode -ridden )my car and (go -went

gone)to school


(While I was studying ,the mobile (rang -rung-ring


Mona often (help-helps-helping )the needy people


6/ 6 marks




Confusing words


(The lion eats (meet- meat -mat


(There are seven days in the (wake -week-weak


(Our tongue is in our (mouse -mouth -moth


The (bear -pear-peer) has a fur


(We make (beard _bread -bird )of (flower-flour -floor


6/ 6 marks




?Are you satisfied


Then prove ,Are you satisfied with your simple home or you want to have a luxury palace


Are you satisfied with your standard of living or you are looking forward to being the richest one in the world


A lot of people aren't satisfied with any thing ,so they envy the others who are better


They even hate to see them out of grudge


Please wait and think deeply


May be the people that you envy deprived of precious thing you have




?Why aren't a lot of people satisfied

A lot of people aren't satisfied because they are looking at what in the other's hand, and envy them.


?Why do the envious people hate to see the better

The envious people hate to see who are better than them because of their inner grudge.


? Are you satisfied

Yes, I am satisfied with my life.


?How do you prove that you are satisfied

Mmm, it's a feeling. I can't prove it, but I can feel it.


?Do you think all the rich people are happy

No, I don't think that all the rich are happy.


12/ 15 marks

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

إجابة آية إبراهيم



39/ 45 marks


Translate into Arabic



The parents have to bring up their children on Islamic teachings


يجب علي الاباء والأمهات أن ينشؤا أبناءهم على التربية الإسلامية




Our leader is Mohammad peace be upon him in spite of our



محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم قائدنا وقدوتنا برغم أنف أعداء الدين


We are all proud of being muslims


فخورون بكوننا مسلمون


9/ 9 marks




Translate into English



الناس سواسية أمام القضاء


people have equal rights in front of justice


الإسلام كرم المرأة وأعطاها كامل حقوقها


Islam honored women and give them whole rights


على القاضي أن يحكم بالعدل لأنه رمز العدالة على الأرض


Every judge should governs justly because he is the symbol of justice on land


6/ 9 marks


Choose the right one


We have already (written )down our names



Look , the birds (are flying )high in the sky



(These flowers are of ( yellow



Yesterday, I (rode )my car and (went

)to school


(While I was studying ,the mobile (rang



Mona often (helps )the needy people


6/ 6 marks



Confusing words



(The lion eats (meat



(There are seven days in the (week



(Our tongue is in our (mouth



The (bear) has a fur



(We make (bread )of (flour


6/ 6 marks





?Why aren't a lot of people satisfied

because no one like his own destiny a lot of people wants easy life


?Why do the envious people hate to see the better

they are not satisfied they don't work hard enough to make their life any better


? Are you satisfied

yes, thanks to Allah


?How do you prove that you are satisfied

I am greatfull for every thing Allah gives to me


?Do you think all the rich people are happy

no, i don't think so


12/ 15 marks

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

أي اعتراض اتفضلوا سجلوه هنا علشان مس هبة تعيد التصحيح للمعترض

معاكم يومين لتقديم أي اعتراض علشان نعلن المراكز الأولى بإذن الله

أظن ما فيش شفافية أكتر من كدة وإياك حد يعترض :(

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

ايه ده


هي النتيجة ظهرت


مبروك للساقطين هههههههههههههههههههههههههههه


اياك واحدة تعترض


الاجابات محطوطة قدامكو اهيه

  • معجبة 1

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

حد يقدر يعترض يا فندم

كفاية انها دخلتني الاختبار

والحمدلله طلعت التانية مكرر



عقبال الاعدادية يا عين اختك ههههههههههههههههههههههه



مبروك على المركز التاني مكرر يا ام عبد الرحمن


الى الامام دائما يا اختاه

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

سدرة المنتهى



مبروووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووك المركز الاول


تستاهلي كل خير


طالعالي ههههههههههههههههه


ماشاء الله اجابات ممتازة

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

هو أنا نجحت و لا سقطت؟ :huh:

اذا سقطت :ph34r: سأعترض :P


بارك الله فيكن و في ما بذلتهن من مجهود

ومبارك للفائزات

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

هو أنا نجحت و لا سقطت؟ :huh:

اذا سقطت :ph34r: سأعترض :P


بارك الله فيكن و في ما بذلتهن من مجهود

ومبارك للفائزات




لا يا ندى انتي ناجحة طبعا


مافيش حد سقط الحمدلله


ماتعترضيش بقى


درجتك كويسة

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه


هو أنا نجحت و لا سقطت؟ :huh:

اذا سقطت :ph34r: سأعترض :P


بارك الله فيكن و في ما بذلتهن من مجهود

ومبارك للفائزات


نجحتي وأخدتي المركز الثالث حبيبتي

ولو عندك أي اعتراض هاتيه وأنا أشيلك من كل المراكز

أظن ما في ديمقراطية وطيبة أكتر من كدة

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

انا هعترض طبعا ليه انا الي جايبه 24 ان شاء الله


اقل واحده

بس هو كدا انا جبت درجه النجاح ولا لسه


بس انا ممتازة اني جبت كدا والله عمري ما جبتها في الطبيعي



انا مش موافقه علي درجتي وماليش دعوه

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،،


جزاكم الله خيرًا

وجزاك الله خيرًا هبة نور على المسابقة والشرح من قبل

لا حرمك الله الأجر


: ) أول مرة أحصل على المركز الأول في مسابقات المنتدى

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

انا هعترض طبعا ليه انا الي جايبه 24 ان شاء الله


اقل واحده

بس هو كدا انا جبت درجه النجاح ولا لسه


بس انا ممتازة اني جبت كدا والله عمري ما جبتها في الطبيعي



انا مش موافقه علي درجتي وماليش دعوه


الأول انت جايبة 28 مش 24

ومعنى كدة إننا استعملنا معاك الرأفة بما إنك عمرك ما جبتي كدة في العادي

وإذا عاملتك على أساس الجامعة يعني اللي يجيب أقل من 60% يبقى ساقط بجدارة

لكن خلينا زي مدارس الحكومة اللي يجيب 50% يبقى ناجح يالا مبروك النجاح

أما حكاية الاعتراض دي ممكن العدلي يخرج براءة وأخليه يعرفك ازاي تعترضي

روحي راجعي الإجابات يا فالحة وانت تعرفي الفشل ده جه منين

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

يا ربي عليك يا منال

يا ستي ربنا ستار حليم وخليكي انت الكبيره وعمليني زي المدارس الحكومي


واراجع ليه خلاص الي طلع مني ومن عم جوجل طلع والله ما اراجع ابدااا

ال اراجع ال


شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه



نجحتي وأخدتي المركز الثالث حبيبتي

ولو عندك أي اعتراض هاتيه وأنا أشيلك من كل المراكز

أظن ما في ديمقراطية وطيبة أكتر من كدة



لا ليس هناك اعتراض الحمد لله

im satified hhhhhhhhh


بارك الله فيكن يا عزيزات


وبعدين يا ماريا كان ممنوع عمو جوجل :P

هههههههههه مبروك النجاح

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

يا بنت انت وهي

منال قالت بعد ما كنت بعت الاجابه واصلا لو مكنتش استعنت بيه مكنتش جبت الدرجه دي اصلا


دا انا ميييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييح فيه


شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

مباااااااااااااااااااااااااااارك للناجحين واناكمان عشان الاعجاز اللى انا عملته والدرجه اللى جبتها

مين يصدق التفوق الرهيب اللى انا وصلتله هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه

مشكوره منال الحبيبه على مجهودك انتى وابلة الهنا ميس هبه ربنا يجازيكوا كل خير

شارك هذه المشاركه

رابط المشاركه

إنشاء حساب جديد أو تسجيل دخول لتتمكني من إضافة تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

إنشاء حساب جديد

سجلي حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجلي حساب جديد

تسجيل دخول

هل تمتلكين حسابًا بالفعل ؟ سجلي دخولك من هنا.

سجلي دخولك الان

  • من يتصفحن الموضوع الآن   0 عضوات متواجدات الآن

    لا توجد عضوات مسجلات يتصفحن هذه الصفحة

منتدى❤ أخوات طريق الإسلام❤

‏ أخبروهم بالسلاح الخفي القوي الذي لا يُهزم صاحبه ولا يضام خاطره، عدته ومكانه القلب، وجنوده اليقين وحسن الظن بالله، وشهوده وعده حق وقوله حق وهذا أكبر النصر، من صاحب الدعاء ولزم باب العظيم رب العالمين، جبر خاطره في الحين، وأراه الله التمكين، ربنا اغفر لنا وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات وارحم المستضعفات في فلسطين وفي كل مكان ..
